The following are links to published pieces: Please check out my FanFic page for lots of free reading, especially if you like the 1968 cult show, The Prisoner or (earlier) Danger Man.
Freaky and Ridiculous -Alice can't want to get out of this house. Her parents think they're vampires Published in New American Legends
Glass Angel -Irene felt as if she had one foot in this world and one in another Published in Every Day Fiction
Women out to Dinner - a poem about the ladies Published in Village Square Magazine
Magic Only Night Knows-What magic is wrought before sunrise? Published in Noctivagant Press (see page 77)
Station-Emily spots "her" man across a sea of faces in Union Station. Published in Flash Fiction Magazine
The Countdown-What can sixty-five years of life bring (and experimental piece) Published in Courtship of the Winds Literary Magazine
One Unbroken Word-How Covid-19 affected me in the beginning Lead Story in Muse Magazine's COVID-19 issue of creative non-fiction (non-fiction flash essay)
Full-The dilemma of a fat girl Einuadi-A nod to the amazing composer/musician My Desk-A flash non-fiction essay Why Poetry-Why do we even have poetry? Why Flash-Why do we like flash? The above five published in Village Square at various times.
DUST FROM ANOTHER LAND -This was my first Christian piece, taken from my Israel essays Published in Faith, Hope and Fiction Magazine.
DROWNING IN HIGH SCHOOL -They took it for it's humor, but it's really quite a sad story. Published in Blotter Magazine OctoberPrint Issue (archive contains this story).
Death Row / Feeling Like God -These are horror stories!! Trigger warning: Violence, Sexual Content, and even worse… Editing Errors :-( Published in Yellow Mama Magazine (scroll down for the second story)
IN THE TRUNK-What does one think about when they’re kidnapped. Flash Fiction podcast by Wanamaker Studios (Honestly, I was a little disappointed in how this came out.)
UGANDAPublished in 101 word stories CRUSHPublished in 101 word stories
AND... OH YEAH, MY BLOGS.... FROM MIND TO PEN - Blog (somewhat serious and often neglected - I am NOT a blogger) I LIKE HIS CHARM - Blog (Usually about Patrick McGoohan - there's a whole cult of us out there LOL) Men with Ties - Blog (just being silly)
No links are available to the following pieces I've had published: "DOMINOS" published in the Spring/Summer issue of Round-Up Magazine (online) ”WAITING FOR THE TRAIN” published 8/2018 Artpost Magazine (print) ”IT SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY” published 10/2018 Open Minds Quarterly (print) ”TREAT” published 2018 in Bark Magazine (online), no longer in business